“Af en toe bevinden zich zo ongeveer 1500 aliens op onze planet en de meesten zijn here in Manhattan.”

The rooms in the door have nice cafeterias on the streets where they can sample the high volume of water in the house. – taxi drivers” – Never as good as you think!

These are the bioscoophit “Men in Black” and they are dressed in black and mysterious men, the active ones from UFOs are referred to, and they also have a large audience with a concept. We now have the best work in this world and have many fantasies .

Bron photo: Columbia Pictures/Everett

They fly in black helicopters and travel in black cars with on-board kentekens. There are 50 years left in the UFOs and they are urgently needed to get the word over to the zaak te zeggen. Some of the items have been stolen from the outside world, while other items have been aliens. This is the “Men in Black”.

There are 50 years per year for the same people. Make it clear that this happened at night before the sun. Hun huid is donker of onnatuurlijk bleek, hun ogen hebben a vreemde kleur, het lichaam lijkt haarloos te zijn, hun kleding en voertuigen zien er altijd spiksplinternieuw uit.

He was well behaved over the Men in Black,

It's not clear what the state is: behaving. He is dead after his grandchildren's photo has been taken by his husband, he is standing on his grandchildren's picture of the bewaking camera's and he has been photographed over “zeldzame nummerborden”. There is still no evidence that anyone wants to be as good as the Men in Black, so they can read in the same way they report on the round, but they naturally want to see what they can see . That makes this phenomenon so interesting. He is still proven, still proven. We want you to die in graven om the sea and let us come.

What does this myth come from?

The name “Men in Black” was first reported in a book with the name “They knew too much about flying saucers” (they knew the story over flying saucers) from 1956 by the Ufooloog Gray Barker.


The book is published, according to its own evidence, the goods are reported by ufologists from the regulator's functionaries, who are not used to UFO's te praten of te writing. This book cannot be prevented by the Men in Black Kennelijk . It will be a bestseller and will be well known by everyone who reports that he was destined for the Men in Black. Zelfs in “UFOs and related subjects: An annotated bibliography” , a publication from the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research from 1969 wordt het vermeld.

We took a look at the person Gray Barker

The writer John Sherwood, a former author of Barker, was published in a series of the tijdschrift “Sceptical Inquirer” and published in another edition. So Barker hem het advices, zijn artikelen niet zo duidelijk nuchter te Schrijven, maar altijd a sensationale factor in te bouwen om de lezer te boeien. Ook zou hij meegemaakt hebben dat Barker, parapsychologen zoals de toen confessed John Keel met verdraaide stem opbelde, om hen over a fictief zeldzaam fenomeen te informeren. Everything was just as good as ever.

There's still a preview. Sherwood told Barker and his friend Jim Moseley in 1957 a written letter from the American government to Poole immigrant George Adamski. Adamski said that his door aliens was ontvoerd. In the letter the regering of the print was published and the publication was published. It's never long before it's been given away, but to all intents and purposes, a book with the title “Gray Barker's Book of Adamski”.


The oplettende lezer zal ondertussen de burst in the logica opgevallen zijn.

Aan de ene kant will men verklaringen about Men in Black hinderen, aan de kant lijkt alleen Barker het right te hebben om nieuwe en sensationale books over het fenomeen te schrijven. A knee soor that's there on let.

Terug toar de Men in Black

In 1952, Barker published a new letter called “Space Review” from the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Lijkt a big name. No, regarding the state institution for 1 person with the name Albert K. Bender. A man from midden 30 who met his father in a room in a room where he had “Chambers of Horrors” and who had been taught by people and skeletons. Vanaf 1953, Barker Bender received the letter from the newspaper in the same year on the “Robertson Panel Report”. A document from the CIA was released. In this report he went to the other om of UFO warnings and was reported for national security. Officiële verklaring: No, dead you could all be declared as a natural phenomenon.

Really, Barker still has an interesting passage in the document. There are two people there who have groeperingen for ufo-enthousiastelingen in Los Angeles and Wisconsin in the most housed gate. Want to have a large invloed condense ze large paniek onder de population veroorzaken, so he will have a warmer plaatsvinden.

The paranoïde aangelegde Bender was given the opportunity to receive a letter from the Nieuwsbrief. Omdat hij bang was the CIA hem also in the oog hield. Hij schreef in zijn laatste nieuwsbrief dat 3 mannen with donkere pakken, die van een higher authority zouden zijn urgently hadden, zonder grof te wer, om the nieuwsbrief niet meer uit te geven. Another declaration of Bender was subsequently made before the Nostradamus regurgitation on December 10, 1953.

That doesn't matter. In the years since Bender died in 1962, Barker was published in a printed book called “Flying Saucerers and the three men” and printed in the description. clip_image007

Pas op, now wordt het bizarre!

In the book, Bender hoe has the door astral projectie to the secret underground base of the aliens in Antarctica.
The 3 men had nothing to say and were not really related to anything, but they were a psychological manifestation. We later heard from psychologists about a few psychological problems. Barker now went to the written verse table and wrote his own versie of the verhaal, he was able to remember how the deze behavior of the overduidelijk was psychological. The legend of the “Man in Black” was born.


Bestaan ​​Men in Black now really of niet? The first report was the product of a psychologically affecting person. Really, that may never be reported, the regulators' functionaries are responsible for the work, in the squad of the "Project Blue Book" done by the Ufowaarnemingen. Om meer te weten te come over het vermeende buitenaardse. Geen van de tuigen vertelde dat de functionarissen eruit zagen en zich gedroegen zoals Bender het destijds in zijn fantasieën descrief. Ufowaarnemingen zijn he is enough. Canteens are interesting and interesting. It doesn't do any real harm as men still have the mystery of Men in Black. Marketing is everything.

In the zin, never let it be made. Then think about the words of Agent J:

“Poets je intermenselijke techniek op. Everyone will be more responsive than ever what beleefder zou zijn.”

Author: Ralf, mimikama.org
Editor: Petra, mimikama.nl

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