The center of attention: The long legal dispute over the classification of the AfD

The legal battle between the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) never ends. The focus is on the explosive question of whether the entire party can be classified as a suspected right-wing extremist case. This dispute is not only being fought in the courtrooms, but also raises fundamental questions about the limits of political debate and the protection of the constitution. The case, which is now being heard before the Münster Higher Administrative Court, shows the deep division that runs not only through Germany's political landscape, but also through parts of society. With every day of the trial that fails to produce a decision, the tension grows over the final verdict and its impact on the country's political culture.

Press release: Postponement in the AfD case against the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

The Higher Administrative Court has not yet announced any judgments in the proceedings of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) against the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), after the hearing dates on March 12, 2024 and March 13, 2024. The oral hearing has been adjourned because the discussion of the matter in dispute has not yet been concluded. Dates for continuation will be determined ex officio. As soon as these have been determined, the court will inform you immediately via a press release.

The three appeal proceedings - with various requests for injunctive relief and past-related declaratory orders - concern the classification of the AfD as a suspected case according to the Federal Constitutional Protection Act (file number 5 A 1218/22), the classification of the so-called "wing" as a suspected case and as a "secure extremist effort". (5 A 1216/22) and the classification of the Junge Alternative for Germany (Junge Alternative) as a suspected case (5 A 1217/22). The lawsuits filed with the Cologne Administrative Court in March 2022 were largely unsuccessful. The Higher Administrative Court decides on the appeals from the AfD and Junge Alternative.

File number: 5 A 1216/22 (1st instance: VG Cologne 13 K 207/20), 5 A 1217/22 (1st instance: VG Cologne 13 K 208/20), 5 A 1218/22 (1st instance: VG Cologne 13 K 326/21)


The content-related discussion of the concept of the people

A key point of the negotiation is the AfD's concept of the people, criticized by the BfV, which distinguishes between an ethnic and a legal state people - a distinction that does not exist according to the Basic Law. This dispute goes deep into the ideological trenches of the political debate in Germany. It touches not only legal, but also social and ethical questions: Who belongs to the “people”? And who decides about that? This debate reveals how belonging and identity can be instrumentalized in political rhetoric and what influence this has on social coexistence. It is a discussion that goes far beyond the courtroom and goes to the heart of what constitutes an open and pluralistic society.

The importance of the negotiation for the political landscape

The decision of the OVG Münster could have far-reaching consequences for the political landscape in Germany. Confirmation of the classification as a suspected right-wing extremist case would not only pose major challenges for the AfD, but could also permanently change the political climate in the country. The question arises as to how parties that are monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are dealt with and what impact this has on the democratic debate. At the same time, the case shows how important an independent judiciary is for preserving the basic democratic order. In times of political polarization, courts have the crucial role of ensuring compliance with the constitution and defining the boundaries of political debate.

Questions and answers: precise and provocative

Question 1: Why is the distinction between an ethnic and a legal state people so controversial?
Answer 1: This distinction goes to the core of what holds a society together and who is considered part of that community. It has a direct impact on political rhetoric and coexistence in Germany by excluding or including people based on their origin. Such concepts can form the basis for exclusion and discrimination, which contradicts the idea of ​​an open and pluralistic society.

Question 2: What impact could the OVG Münster's decision have on political culture in Germany?
Answer 2: Confirmation of the classification could be seen as a signal against right-wing extremist tendencies in politics and demonstrate Germany's democratic resilience. At the same time, it could polarize the political debate and portray the AfD in its role as a victim of state abuse. In the long term, this could shape Germany's political landscape and intensify the discussion about how to deal with extreme political views.


It is clear that the court's decision represents much more than just a legal assessment; it is a test of the state and future of German democracy. The continuation of this debate shows that the defense of the constitution and democratic values ​​is an ongoing task that requires the commitment and attention of all social forces.


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