A hardware store opens its doors. There is a line of people waiting in front of it that stretches across the parking lot. Everyone keeps their distance very well.

This video, which was recorded in the parking lot of a Hornbach hardware store, is not fake ! In Germany, you should know that the coronavirus regulations were relaxed in Austria on April 14th.

After everything in Austria except pharmacies, gas stations and food retailers was closed for 4 weeks, the first shops are now (April 14, 2020) slowly and gradually reopening.


This first step consists of allowing small shops with up to 400 square meters of space to open, as well as garden and hardware stores.

There was a lot of speculation in advance: How will people react when certain shops reopen? Will the stores be stormed or can we wait a few more days? The following video was released on the morning of April 14th and gives its own answer:


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Fact check hardware store

Based on the license plate of a passing vehicle, you can see that this video was probably recorded in Vienna (dear friends in Germany: W for Vienna, not for Wuppertal).

You can determine the location of the hardware store even more precisely, it is the Hornbach hardware store on Stadlauer Straße in Vienna's 22nd district ( compare Google Streeview ).


There is also no doubt that this video was recorded on April 14, 2020: In the video you can see people wearing masks. This is mandatory in Austria, customers have to wear masks when shopping.

Since the hardware stores were only allowed to open on April 14th and the video was also on April 14th. appeared, there remains no other option than this correct dating. A little tip on the side: If you don't necessarily have to go to a hardware store today, you might want to wait a day or two.

By the way, our colleague from the music editor spontaneously says: “Come let us pick you, you rose from Stadlau!”


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A notice!

At this point we would like to point out our category: CORONAVIRUS 2019 SARS-CoV-2 ( here ), in which we list all relevant fact checks on the topic of coronavirus.



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