This article offers advice and guidance on how young people can respond appropriately to such situations to protect themselves from bullying and help others.

Recognizing harassment and bullying

  • Explain the Difference
    Start by explaining the difference between occasional conflict and systematic harassment or bullying.
  • Forms of Online Bullying
    Show how online bullying can take different forms, from insults to spreading rumors to threats.

Immediate reactions

  • Do not respond and cut off contact
    Explain that it is often best to not respond to harassers and to block or end contact.
  • Collect evidence
    If harassment continues, encourage collecting evidence, such as screenshots of messages or posts.
  • Reporting Harassment
    Show how to report harassment on each platform and get help from moderators or administrators.

Seek support

  • Inform Parents and Confidants
    Encourage informing parents or other confidants of the harassment to receive emotional support and help.
  • School Support
    If the harassment occurs at school, encourage contact with teachers, administrators, or school counselors.

Emotional coping

  • Don't let yourself feel alone
    Emphasize the importance of getting support from others and not thinking you are alone with this problem.
  • Strengthen self-esteem
    Help to strengthen self-esteem and emphasize that the opinion of the harasser does not determine one's own esteem.

Preventive action

  • Raising awareness of online dangers
    Explain the importance of being aware of dangers online and being careful with personal information.
  • Emphasize Respectful Online Communication
    Emphasize the importance of respect and kindness in online communication and encourage yourself to adhere to it.

Conclusion: Together against online harassment

Online harassment and bullying are serious problems that children and young people can face. It is crucial that they respond appropriately and seek support. Parents, teachers and confidants play an important role in supporting young people and creating a safer online environment.

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