Het verhaal: a man from Zimbabwe went with serious pijnklachten in the borststreek to the ziekenhuis. There will be onderzocht en op de röntgenfoto's was zoiets ongelofelijks te zien: he will have a living cockroach in his borstkas!

Vanaf here is the verhaal eigenlijk al ongeloofwaardig genoeg, maar het wordt nog pray! Bij a different onderzoek, that his duur betaald heeft door zijn hele hebben and houwen te verkopen, that was drawn to the front, that helemaal geen cockroaches in his eyes had, the X-ray apparatus in the first ziekenhuis cockroach herbergde.

He is also a photo with the beautiful verhaal:


En, what is he on the hand? To be sure, the cockroach in the borstkas is in the heart. Do you have a cockroach in the apparatus?

All fake!

This is an urban legend that was first recorded in 2012. There was a small house in Ghana, but there was still a photo of it.


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Vandaar nu de vraag, waar deze photo vandaan komt. Ok the answer can be answered by the daadwerkelijk. Want this opname is never known. There really is a good sound, it will be “ingevoegd” afterwards. Bij de afgebeelde borstkas gaat het om an X-ray photo of Marilyn Monroe (link telegraph.co.uk ).

African joke

Never before in Zimbabwe and Ghana has it been mentioned in this urban legend: it was also a versie that was written in Oeganda. With the hashtag #africanjoke legde de televisionvisiezender WBS (Wavah Broadcasting Services) uit:


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Link: hoax-slayer.net

Vertaling: Petra, mimikama.nl

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