The Three Sieves of Truth in Social Media: In the vibrant world of social media, where words are shared with a click and comments are changed with a typo, where information flows like a stream and opinions surge like waves, there was an account called “Mimikama”.

The Mimikama team wasn't just any users. They were known for their honesty, their kindness and the benefit they provided to their community. You were a rock solid, a trustworthy voice in a world full of fake news and disinformation.

One day, Mimikama received a direct message from another user who had seen a sensational story about a well-known internet personality. Full of excitement and anticipation of the possible likes and retweets he could receive, the user shared his story with Mimikama and asked her to share it on her account.

The three sieves of truth in social media

“Wait a minute,” Mimikama replied, “Before we share this story, I want to do a little test with you. I call it the three sevens of social media.”

“Three sieves?” asked the other user confused.

“Yes,” Mimikama replied, “Let’s see if your story fits through the three sieves: The first sieve is the truth :
Are you sure this story is true?

“Well, I just heard it and wanted to pass it on,” the other user replied.

“Okay,” Mimikama replied, “So you don’t know if it’s really true. But let's see if it fits through the second sieve , that of goodness .
Is this story any good ?”

“Not really,” admitted the other user, “It’s actually a pretty negative story.”

"I see. Well, there is a third sieve , that of utility :
Is this story useful to people?

“No, not really,” admitted the other user.

“Then,” Mimikama concluded, “if the story is neither true nor good nor useful , we should bury it and not spread it .”

So Mimikama continued to be a voice of reason on social media, a beacon of truth in a world full of half-truths and lies. And everyone who read her posts was reminded to seek the truth, share good things, and spread useful information.

And perhaps, if you think about this story a little further, you can ask yourself:

Where am I in this story? Am I a truth seeker or someone who spreads untested stories?

The Mimikama team wishes you all a reflective and conscious use of social media.

Note: This philosophy that Mimikama applies in their interactions is not new. It is based on the ancient teachings of Socrates and his “Three Sevens”. Socrates, the wise philosopher of ancient Greece, taught that all information should be passed through three sieves before it is shared: truth, goodness and usefulness. This fundamental ethical test has endured through the millennia and is applied in the modern practice of Mimikama. In the fast-paced, often chaotic world of social media, this method offers a calm and thoughtful way to evaluate and share information. It is a call for prudence and reflection in a world that often values ​​speed over accuracy. The Socratic principle of the “Three Sieves” is therefore not only a guide for Mimikama, but for all of us to improve the quality and impact of our communication.

As Socrates taught us, the principles of truth, goodness, and utility are crucial to responsible dissemination of information. By supporting Mimikama, we help ensure these principles continue to thrive on social media.

If you value our work and would like to contribute to ensuring that you can continue to remain independent and critical, then we warmly ask for your support. Either once via PayPal or long-term via Steady

1) This content reflects the current state of affairs at the time of publication. The reproduction of individual images, screenshots, embeds or video sequences serves to discuss the topic. 2) Individual contributions were created through the use of machine assistance and were carefully checked by the Mimikama editorial team before publication. ( Reason )