De Dermacentor teek besmet honden met hondenmalaria!? Nieuwe tekensoort is dodelijk!

The steel of a dermacentor teek is always besmetting with hondenmalaria veroorzaken, so lees je momentseel on sociale media, maar what is he on the hand? The beet of the geëmigreerde tekensoort can levensgevaarlijk (via The Weather Channel ) The dermacentor teek ( Dermacentor reticulatus ) also which bonte teek genoemd vanwege hun “bonte” rugschild, is a tekensoort the oorspronkelijk voorkwam in Hongarije, North-Oosternrijk . In the 70s, the dermacentor teek is also spread out in many other European countries and is home to natural fauna.


The dermacentror teek zelf is not poisonous of blood in other types of medicine, so it is infected with the veroorzaker of Babesiosis , a cell parasite, in the form of Babesiosis canis. It's not a zoonosis that can be overused in this area. The teek is made with the Babesiosis canis door het speaks in the steek and about 12 ures. Normaal na 24 – 72 uren na de beet van de teak.

Babesiosis of hondenmalaria

Door de overeenkomsten met malaria in mensen, word de Babesiosis also which hondenmalaria genoemd. The result is acute with high blood pressure and anemia (bloedarmoede). The dogs have two teeth, they have a quick shot, they have a high hardness, there is a lot of liquid and the urine is roodbruin.

In serious cases you can suffer from DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation). This means that all of the stolling factors in the bloed heeft are opgebruikt en the bloed nauwelijks nog stoln can, so the puntbloedingen can be puntbloedingen op de huid en in de ogen (petechiae).

The diagnosis can be made on the hand of a clinical person from the door of a blood monster of capillary blood (bijvoorbeeld uit the oor). Men can dan de Babesiosis canis in the red bloedlichaampjes (erytrocytes) zie, as the bloedmonster door Wright was called.

(Photo, made available thanks to TJ Naucke Parasitus ex eV)

Therapy can be started quickly and is symptomatic in the first instance (infusions, compensation for acidosis and eventual blood transfusions).

It contains medications that can be ingested by the dog. This means that the old dierenarts are inschakelen, a treatment door that is not addressed and is also not possible. The prognosis for the manufacturer is favorable. This means that the dog is not dead, as the Babesiosis is said to be hereditary. Babesiosis is widespread in Midden-Europe and Scandinavia.

Hondenmalaria can be a good disease, but that comes soon!

How can you come forward?

The most important measure of babesiosis should be avoided, is a good protection against the disease . The best way to do this is to remove the needles (spot-on, collar of tablets). Laat u alstublieft informeren door uw dierenarts.

Het verzamelen van teken of a natural tekenmiddel and also vrij overcooked tekenmedicijnen works NIET voldoende. 


  • Yes, he states hondenmalaria in the Netherlands
  • Yes, that word was overused by the dermacentor teken
  • He should be able to treat his children and then they will be treated in such a way that they can be treated properly.

This means:

  • Good talk before panic!
  • Vraag uw huisarts om advies!
  • Bij de first symptoms, meteen naar de dierenarts (the article heeft uitsluitend betrekking op de in Midden-Europe overgedragen vorm, veroorzaakt door Babesiosis canis)

Bronnen: RWNelson, Small Animal Internal Medicine; Grünbaum, Schimke, Clinic for Dog Diseases

Author: Anke M,
Editor: Petra,

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