Imagine logging into Facebook and suddenly receiving a prompt to review your friend requests. This is exactly what many users are currently experiencing. An official message from Facebook informs:

Review friend requests in your activity log.

“Check friend requests in your activity log. FIRST NAME, We recently fixed an issue that resulted in friend requests being sent incorrectly between February 17th, 2024 and March 29th, 2024. You can check your friend requests in the activity log.”

Screenshot Facebook with "Check friend requests in your activity log. FIRST NAME, we recently fixed an issue that resulted in friend requests being sent incorrectly between February 17, 2024 and March 29, 2024. You can check your friend requests in your activity log."
Screenshot Facebook with “Check friend requests in your activity log.

What happened and what does it mean for you?

Facebook's errors and how to fix them

Between February 17 and March 29, 2024, a technical error on Facebook resulted in friend requests being sent without users' knowledge or consent. This issue may have caused confusion among users as unexpected requests were both sent and received. Facebook has identified and fixed the issue, and is now advising all users to check their activity log. This log lists all actions taken on your account and can help you identify and revoke any requests sent in error.

Security concerns and privacy:

This incident raises questions regarding security and privacy on the platform. Users wonder how such an error could have happened and what other information may have been processed incorrectly. It is important that Facebook is transparent about how it can prevent such errors in the future and what steps it is taking to protect user privacy.

Steps to review and deal with unwanted requests:

If you are affected, please review your activity log by clicking the button provided in the notification or by accessing it directly through your account settings. If you discover any erroneous requests, you can revoke them. It is also advisable to contact the people concerned and explain the situation to avoid misunderstandings.

Questions and answers:

1. How do I find out if I am affected? Check your activity log on Facebook. There you can view all friend requests sent and received during the period in question.

2. What should I do if I have sent or received unwanted requests? Revoke these requests and inform those affected if necessary.

3. How can I view my activity log? Click the “View Activity Log” button in the Facebook notification or go directly to your account settings.

4. What is Facebook doing to prevent such errors in the future? The details of the measures are not always public, but Facebook can be expected to continually review and update its software to ensure the security and privacy of its users.


The recent problem with mistaken friend requests on Facebook is a wake-up call for all users to regularly check their account settings and activity logs. It is essential to stay vigilant and pay attention to the security of your digital life.

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