Patent recipe rather in short supply: constant topic of diet. Many of the countless diet offers are not recommended. An overview of which diets exist, why and how best to proceed.

We'll tell you right at the beginning: We think many of the diets you read and hear about are useless. Either you get sick or you gain more weight after a short time. This is also referred to as the “yo-yo effect”: During the diet you initially lose weight and your body switches to the back burner due to the deprivation. After that, he first wants to fill his warehouses again. In addition, losing weight also requires fewer calories than before. So, if you're not careful, it's easy to gain the weight back, diet again, gain weight again... up and down, just like a yo-yo. Anyone who tells you that you can permanently solve weight problems in a very short time just wants to make money! Anyone who diets over and over again ultimately risks developing serious eating disorders. If your weight tends to keep climbing, the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes increases.

So much for Sunday. Now a few more concrete tips on what is nonsense (that's the clear majority), what - in some cases - may be useful and what is okay. Basic rule first: It has to work in the long term and not just a few days or weeks. In addition, exercise is an old but still good tip. Click on the individual diet names for more information!


Separating food

Principle: You separate protein and carbohydrates, so you only ever eat foods that contain one or the other - but that doesn't help at all and isn't really feasible in practice. Because the problem is in your head: you have to constantly control yourself - and that's really no fun.

Max Planck diet

Has nothing to do with the scientific institute of the same name. It also doesn't change your eating habits in the long term and is very one-sided. Supposedly changes metabolism, but that's unrealistic. And unhealthy, because you consume too much protein and that puts strain on your kidneys.

Atkins diet

Really bad: fat and protein endlessly, but hardly any fruit or vegetables; You can do that even without a diet. And it can actually make you sick in the long run.

Appetite suppressant

Ouch: oral medication. On the one hand, the effect wears off after 4-6 weeks, and on the other hand, serious side effects can occur. If at all, then only after consulting a doctor. Most of them require a prescription anyway - just don't buy them online!

Dehydrating agents

Great: If I can't get rid of the fat, then at least I can get rid of the water, that also weighs something! Seriously, water really isn't the problem, so forget it. It's basically like an amputation: with just one arm you would weigh less...


You can actually imagine what to make of it. Losing weight through... well, in any case, the body only ends up losing water. And (important!) minerals on top of that. Rejected!

Zero diet

Some (without weight problems) do this for a few days under medical supervision, but that's different. If you want to lose weight, you have to change your diet, but don't stop it completely!

It (very) depends:

Formula diets

E.g. Slim Fast, Almased, The Healthy Plus Diet Vital Food, WellMix Diet Vital Food, Herbalife or Modifast Weight Loss Program. Mostly shake powder to mix with low-fat milk or water. Nutrients are available as required by law - but this refers to the needs of adults, not young people! So it's better not to take it if you're under 18, and "always just powder" doesn't work in the long term (longer than three weeks). Therefore: If you are very overweight, it may be suitable as a starting point, but then something has to happen in terms of basic eating behavior and exercise. Don't forget to get enough sleep!


Brigitte diet

If you like cooking, this might be the thing for you: a series of different, varied recipes that all have a certain calorie limit and sufficient nutrients in common. So no starvation or any chemicals. But you should also eat less afterwards to avoid gaining weight again.

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