Al in the voorjaar we have a mass aan aanvragen met betrekking tot an article, which means that menselijke foetussen (onborn vrucht tot de Vierde forcedschapsmaand) have been processed into various products as a smaakversterker.

With the title Menselijke lichaamsdelen als levensmiddelentoevoeging – Lijst van productsen met menselijke foetussen als smaakversterker” maakt dit artikel nog steeds internetgebruikers onzeker:
Bron: Facebook / Screenshot Mimikama

What is this for “myth”?

He is a member of the association between the men and women of the fetus and the smaakversterkers.

Maar er zitten GEEN menselijke cells directly in the smaakversterker!


In 1973, Senomyx bedrijf was developed and used a quick method for the production of high-quality power amplifiers in drinks and light sources.
In this case, the niercellen of a geaborteerde fetus uit Nederland are used as a hulpmiddel.
The cells with the name HEK-293 (Human Ebryonic Kidney) have been cultivated since the year 70 and have been used at the same time as the toe-passing of smaakversterkers.
The patent hierop will be cooked in a variety of ways.
Others tell us Nestlé, Pepsi and Coca Cola. As the weather forecast is clear, you can have an angelic negotiation over the onderwerp door here.


He was cultivated with niercellen van één (!) geaborteerde fetus uit de jaren 70 used, om smaakversterker te development.

These are all important for development and definition of the power amplifier. De cellen zelf zitten niet (!) in the smaakversterker.

Vertaling: Petra,

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