Facts are just annoying - some people find it much more fun to make up their own truths.

One of those perceived truths is that the politician Friedrich Merz didn't actually go shopping, but had himself photographed in front of a so-called green screen. The alleged photo evidence is now circulating as a sharepic:

Merz in front of a green screen?
Merz in front of a green screen?

This is how you are being fooled by politicians ” is written on the sharepic – but in fact only those who believe that Merz was really standing in front of a green screen are being fooled.


From shopping to green screen – the emergence of the fake

In the beginning there was the picture, and the picture of Merz, and Merz was shopping - more or less media-effective with a photographer, which admittedly seems really staged, not like a random photo. But there's not much wrong with that; Instagram influencers, for example, do it all the time.

A Twitter user cut Merz out of the picture and asked his followers to photoshop Merz in all possible situations while shopping.

One of the first answers was Merz in front of a green screen:

Other users showed him, for example, in the forest with a pack of Corona beer , buying stocks in front of the stock exchange or buying an airplane . Of course, there is no mention on Facebook that this was just a funny campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #MerzShoppingThings, instead the green screen image was taken out of context and taken at face value.

By the way, Friedrich Merz was actually in a store, and there is another picture of it on his own Facebook profile:


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However, fans also criticize the post for the fact that it looks too much like Rewe advertising and that shopping in a suit with an empty basket and an FFP2 mask (even though he has already recovered ) seems very staged.



You can certainly be amused by images that seem too fake, but then intentionally taking one of the manipulated photos and presenting it as true shows quite clearly that some people only want to sow discord.

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