According to circulating screenshots and an article, Greta Thunberg doesn't have to go hungry - she is the highest paid activist in the world. Really?

75 million dollars - that's how much Greta Thunberg is said to have earned over the last 12 months.
At least one side claims this, and as proof there is even the cover of a magazine called “People with Money”. Let's see how serious this report really is!

Screenshot of the article about Greta Thunberg
Screenshot of the article about Greta Thunberg, source: MediaMass

The article on the Mediamass site, from which the magazine's partially distributed cover comes, was apparently only created on August 23rd, and there was probably an addendum today (August 24th). Seemingly.

Yikes? 2019 already?

Now it gets strange: the same article was already circulating in 2019. Isn't it so current after all?

Was Greta the highest paid activist in 2019?
Was Greta the highest paid activist in 2019?

A look into the past

Now let's get curious and use the WaybackMachine what the article looked like in the past. For example, here is the article as it appeared on February 18, 2020 (see HERE ):

The article in February 2020
The article in February 2020

Do you notice anything? We now have the same item 3 times. The text always stays the same, it's always the $75 million she earned, but some points always change:

  • The date of the article is always one day before
  • The age is always current
  • The addendum is always on the current day
  • The period of earnings is always from the previous month of the current year to the respective month of the previous year

The solution is: The article is not real, but always looks current - because it is a satirical site!

Mediamass – A satire on Mass Media

The site Mediamass describes itself as a satire site. You can also read this yourself if you simply click on the link written in red in the article with the current addendum (see HERE ):

“The website is the medium for our satire, with which we want to draw attention to the mass production and mass consumption around us through humor, exaggerations and ridicule.
The 'Celebrity' section is a humorous parody of gossip magazines. Of course none of these stories are true.”

There are plenty of articles from the “highest paid” on the satire site, for example about Sebastian Kurz , Helene Fischer and Jan Böhmermann . There are also other articles about celebrities there, all in the same style, all apparently current - but always fictitious and meant to be satirical.

“But maybe Greta Thunberg deserves that much after all???”

This will definitely come as a comment on Facebook, so we'd rather say right now: There is no evidence of this. On the contrary, she always emphasizes that she does not accept any money for her activism (see HERE ), and she donates money for various prizes (see HERE and HERE ).


The claim that Greta Thunberg is the highest-paid activist is a pure invention of a satirical site that criticizes the general tabloid press with automatically updated and consistently sounding articles about various celebrities.

Article image: By Liv Oeian /
Also interesting:
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