Known as a killer insect, it is known as a “kissing bug” and is known as a “kissing bug” in Europe. tells you that you have to pray for someone who wants the insect to have a moment of complete opduiken and to do something for people. In June 2016 we asked about the “new” killer insect.

Dodelijke insects: Ren voor je leven!’

And now we still have to ask about the situation:



Is the “kissing bug” now coming to Europe?


The most important spreading areas of the rooftops (Triatominae, ondersoort of the family of rooftops) are located in the American tropics, Mexico and Central America. The roof pants are very warm.

This is what the Triatominae drager of the Gevaarlijke Chagas-Ziekte can be. The word never overwhelms the door of the bed and one wants to open the door to the unit.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is not possible to get the same information. Nadat de insecten's night toeslaan, as the mens slaapt, wordt de beet vaak laat of helemaal niet opmerkt. When he was left with the remains of an infected insect in the bijtwond, the parasite could spread into the mens.

All Triatominae are infected with the parasite that causes Chagas infection. Volgens CDC is de uitbraak van Chagas, zelfs as the insect was infected, extremely low.

It can happen that there is an allergic reaction to insects in the environment: This results in typical symptoms:

  • Roodheid
  • Jeuk
  • Zwelling
  • Netelroos etc.

This can also be done, on the basis of the presence of an insect with Chagas infection. An allergic reaction is not per se a besmetting with Chagas and Zijn.

De Chagas-ziekte

The Chagas disease (also known as American , Zuid-American trypanosomiasis of Chagas disease ) is an infective disease with a parasitosis that is transmitted Trypanosoma cruzi

The dragers don't have any rooftops, they also have animals (bijvoorbeeld gordeldiers, opossums, tweevingerige luiaards), there are also dogs, cats and rats. Also the infected men is a relevant reservoir for the parasite. Volgens Wikipedia has a total of 18 million infected people. In Bolivia there is a knowledge of the population that can be used. Annually it was worth 50,000 dollars and 15,000 dollars.

Door migration, tourism and bio-invasion of rooftops can be transported to other continents within the country and have been spread across the country. In Spain, more than 200,000 immigrants came from Latvia's America, resulting in about 6,000 infections. In the VS there are several foreign immigrants who are infected. In the VS there were 3 cases of Chagas infections reported on the blood. In 2006, 4,655 monsters were tested positive in a routine test.

In my 2012, Uruguay reported the verdelging van de geïnfecteerde, in Zuid-America known as Vinchuca, roof wanted.


The Chagas-Ziekte treedt in the dining room in four stages op:

  • On the roof of the roof, there is a view on the round of the door, the insect is veroorzaakt steekwond: Oedeem met ontstekingsversschijnselen, vaak in de buurt van de ogen. He also has other parts of his life that can be affected, which he may not be able to identify later.
  • An acute fase treedt up to approx. one of the new infections. He's going to the children of the cafeteria with a two-way table. The word is spoken normally less after about four weeks. Koorts, benauwdheid, edema, diarree, buikpijn, zwelling van de lymphfeklieren, epilepsie en groting van het hart zijn de gevolgen.
  • Well, a latent phase that can last a long time will become chronic and chronic. Symptoms of the acute phase can also be caused by the latent phase, as the word is less pronounced, resulting in an HIV infection.
  • The symptoms of the chronic phase are based on the chronic hardening (hartkloppingen, zwakte, ademnood bij belasting) and the afbraak of zenuwcellen in the spijsverteringssysteem. The patient suffers from massive gastrointestinal tract (megaesophagus ) thick intestine (megacolon). Here there is a normal intestinal passage without any problems. This can cause death due to intestinal leakage, intestinal leakage (ileus) and buikvliesontsteking (peritonitis).

On treatment can the Chagas-ziekte in tot 10% of the gevallen dodelijk unique. Applicable to children aged 6 and above.

Ver van het “killerinsect” verwijderd

As a small reminder from my colleague Jens:

Well, don't you remember these things? Insect, bloedzuiger, ziekte? Precies. We have teak and TBE in Europe, in Germany it comes to the fore, but it is still important for the juiste to be included. Then the sterftecijfer will be around one earth from all the infected earth. The fact that in geen geval de eventual “bedreiging” door de Triatominae is trivialized, maar om a real bedreiging te, moeten ze in Europe voet aan wal krijgen, the klimaat akkunnen, a populatie vormen die groot genoeg is en - heel concern - met de Chagas parasites affect zijn. I don't see that it's light, but it's also very small.


He really has Triatiominae, maar hoofdzakelijk in South America and ze cannen de Chagas-ziekte veroorzaken. It is located in Central and North America, which is sold to lovely people and bloeddonatie.

The insects are killer machines that met a beet and a men's doden, and are therefore overdone. Net zo min maken de insecten a “rasse opmars” omdat de verspreiding van roofwantsen zich dead 2006 terug laat traceren.

Europeans hope that there will never be anything to worry about.

Bronnen: Uberviral , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Wikipedia Triatominae , Wikipedia Chagas disease

Vertaling: Petra,

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