We pass this open question on to YOU, the reader of this site: the website linksunten.indymedia.org has published over 2,000 names and addresses of AfD members in an article on its own site. Random checks have shown that this list is not fake.


The big question at this point, however, is not the question of authenticity, but rather of justifiability. A few hours earlier, the website had published the names and addresses of AfD members from the party conference in Bremen in 2015, and now the names from the party conference in Stuttgart in 2016 have been added. The new version also contains the members' dates of birth and telephone numbers.


According to statements from several press offices, party leader Jörg Meuthen confirmed the authenticity of the data and at the same time announced internal investigations and a criminal complaint.

We also see the publication of the list as a danger for the people listed and cannot yet fully understand the intention behind the publication.

And now you are asked: what do YOU ​​think of these publications. Discuss in the comments!

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