In the past, if someone said blatant nonsense, they were usually simply labeled as a crazy person. Today, however, many of these confused minds are networking and forming a numerically impressive community. Now not all conspiracy theories are the same and by no means everyone who adheres to it is a crazy person. But the number of false and disinformation online has long since reached a worrying level. The speed at which fake news spreads is particularly fatal. It is by no means always easy to distinguish between true and false.

Luxury watches as an investment : If, on the other hand, you are offered a supposedly genuine Rolex watch on the beach in Palma or Pattaya for the bargain price of 100 euros, everyone should immediately smell it. Because most people are well aware of the true price of high-quality watches. Anyone who luxury watches online can certainly save a euro or two, depending on the offer. But buyers of these watches usually have a completely different motivation for purchasing them than bargain hunting. Some even see them as a worthwhile investment. Certain watches experience significant increases in value over the years. In times of zero interest rate policy, creativity is required when choosing investments. Therefore, high-quality watches can be a possible alternative in certain circumstances. But you certainly won't find these at beach vendors in holiday regions around the world.

Fake news through fake seriousness!

It is more difficult to recognize the truth of fake news on the Internet. Because not all theories fall into the category of blatant nonsense . On the contrary, some things certainly have a core of truth, but may be completely taken out of context. It doesn’t matter what the topics are. Fake news is very often spread in the areas of politics, nutrition or health. Studies show that misinformation spreads much faster online than facts. But what are the reasons for this? On the one hand, fake news is often presented in a professional manner. In the form of serious-looking news programs, the reports are read out by well-dressed presenters and are often spiced up with contributions from so-called experts or scientists. Prefixed doctoral degrees also create the appearance of competence.

Trapped in your own opinion bubble

On the other hand, algorithms in social media are certainly partly to blame for the rapid spread of fake news. It is human nature to have others confirm one's own opinion or worldview. Therefore, people specifically search for the right information and generally distrust sources that say otherwise. Regardless of the truth, facts that do not fit one's own view are deliberately ignored. Algorithms now ensure that you are presented with more articles and links that support this already established opinion. In this way, your own erroneous opinion becomes more and more manifest and it becomes more and more difficult to break it down.

Not every conspiracy theory is one!

Sometimes you get the impression that some people or media are very quick to use the term conspiracy theory. Their followers are then deliberately discredited as swearers and other opinions outside the mainstream are no longer permitted. However, it should not be forgotten that many things that are now accepted as fact were long considered conspiracy theories . The best example of this is the Watergate affair in the 1970s.

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