If you click on the photo, click on “vind ik leuk” and delete the photo with “5”.

With a picture taken on a photo, you can see what two things are like: A truck, which is still well-functioning in the military and a post-veel devotional trek.

Here we have a recent preview:

Screenshot Facebook

Screenshot Facebook

“STEP 1: click on the photo

STEP 2: like the photo

STEP 3: share the photo

STEP 4: come back to the post and type “5” and you will see the magic.”

If you click on the photo, click on “vind ik leuk” and delete the photo and click on “5”.

What does he rate then?

Niks . Absolutely brilliant. There are so many things that you can't get enough of. Tegelijkertijd has been the photo on the page verder verspreid, om still meer cafeterias aan te lokken.

This truth, from a page that has already been published, is never mentioned. So we have a report on a photo of a photo, which was then reactivated with “8” and a photo with a control that was activated with “5” .


This is geen “magie” (no, je ziet dan geen treinbotsing), maar a simple truc van paginabeheerders om a post zo veel mogelijk te verspreiden, waarbij misbruik van de lichtgelovigheid van de gebruiker wordt gemaakt.

Vertaling: Petra, mimikama.nl

1) This content reflects the current state of affairs at the time of publication. The reproduction of individual images, screenshots, embeds or video sequences serves to discuss the topic. 2) Individual contributions were created through the use of machine assistance and were carefully checked by the Mimikama editorial team before publication. ( Reason )