Back in December we reported on dead birds in Wales - now there's news.

In December 2019, hundreds of dead birds were found on a road in Wales.

Some sites were quick to claim that the birds died from “5G radiation.”
However, the cause of death has now been determined: they most likely died while escaping from a bird of prey.

In December 2019, hundreds of dead birds were found on a road in North Wales, Great Britain. The report caused quite a stir and wild speculation. At the forefront is a site from Switzerland that claims to have immediately identified the cause: The birds died “near a 5G system”!

One of the many inquiries about the article
One of the inquiries about the article at the time


The current findings

As several English media reported in January , the cause of death of the birds has now been clarified after extensive investigations.

Although the toxicology report is not yet available, poisoning is not assumed anyway, as the time of death would otherwise have varied for the birds, and birds would certainly have been found in the meadows around the road.

Examination of 35 birds revealed that they all died from trauma and internal bleeding as a result of hitting the road with full force. The most likely reason for this is that the flock was avoiding a bird of prey and some of the birds were unable to “get the turn”, i.e. were unable to fly up in time.


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“Couldn’t it have been because of 5G?”

The Swiss site “Legitim” wants to confuse readers by writing:

Daily Post announced : “Vodafone has launched superfast 5G services in North Wales for the first time.”

…but North Wales is quite big.

According to the Daily Post article, 5G will be installed in a total of 30 locations in the UK, one of which will be Llandudno, a coastal town in North Wales.

Now let's just take a look at the map: Where is Llandudno and where were the dead birds found?

Image source: Google Maps
Image source: Google Maps

The distance between both places as the crow flies is around 45 kilometers .
Although both places are in North Wales, they are 45 kilometers apart. So if the birds actually died near a “5G facility”, it certainly wasn’t from the 5G masts in the far away Llandudno mentioned.

“Okay, but maybe there is 5G in Bodedern!”

A spokesman for Vodafone UK said :

“We can confirm that there is no Vodafone 5G in the Bodedern area and no tests have taken place.”

But we want to check that again for ourselves!
Boededern has the postcode LL65 . So let's see how far the development of 5G is in the area. This can be done quite easily by entering the postal code of a location in the UK on this page .

The result:
There is no 5G there yet!
There are no 5G masts in Bordedern or the surrounding area, nor are any planned for 2020, neither from Vodafone nor from one of the other five competitors.



In our December 2019 , we go into more detail about other points made in the Legitimate article (which are simply wrong). In any case, the most likely cause of the birds' deaths has now been determined... and it's still not 5G!

Article image: Shutterstock /By Barbara_Krupa

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