Even if you think something like this can never happen to you. Unexpected things often happen and phishing traps catch even clever people if the attempts were really well done!

“This can’t happen to me.” And then it does happen. At least that's what happened to a friend's father, who is actually a very reflective person and doesn't act carelessly. Nevertheless: After he supposedly registered with his bank after receiving an email, he had a strange feeling and he was right. He fell into a phishing trap!

In fact, sometimes it happens that a phishing attempt is so well done that even we have to look several times to unmask the scam. Fortunately, this is not the case in the case of an SMS that supposedly came from Raiffeisenbank.

In bad German, fraudsters are trying to fish out personal data in the name of Raiffeisenbank:

This is phishing
This is phishing

My ELBA – Raiffeisen.
Update PushTAN 9.3 Necessary! Click here and confirm your identity: …

Such attempts may seem clumsy, but older generations in particular often feel overwhelmed when receiving such text messages or emails. That's why phishing SMS messages like this one should be taken seriously. As does the Raiffeisenbank itself .

What happens when I tap or click on the link?

You will reach a replica of the Raiffeisen banks. So it's not the real page of your bank, but a decoy created by fraudsters! That's why it's worth taking a look at the URL in the address bar . Because it is often clear here that it cannot be the bank's official website.

If you enter your data here, you are putting it directly into the hands of the fraudsters. They can now use the bank account and possibly resell the data on the Darknet. Therefore, always make sure whether the email actually comes from the company mentioned.

If you want to be on the safe side, you should contact the bank separately and ask and never click on a link contained in a message! It is better if you access the real page manually via the browser. If you have already fallen victim to the fraud, contact your bank immediately!

Tip: You can check whether you have landed on the real page by first entering a jumble of letters in the login. If it is still accepted or you end up on a dead page, you can assume that it is most likely a scam.

My friend's father also had his bank account blocked immediately after he realized that his bank would never ask him to enter his personal information anywhere. So be on your guard!


Related to the topic:  Data phishing Criminals are changing the scam!

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