One of the largest pork suppliers in the US actually used a cruel method to kill thousands of pigs.

Due to the corona pandemic, many slaughterhouse employees were unable to come to work and entire supply chains were interrupted, which is why one slaughterhouse resorted to a cruel measure: the “commercially worthless” pigs were killed in the most cruel way possible.

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The Facebook post contains an image showing a large number of dead pigs, the descriptive text reads:

Is that justifiable? These are the results of industrial “animal production”. Because they cannot be slaughtered because of Corona, they were boiled alive. Switching off the ventilation and introducing steam heats the stable to 150 degrees. […]
(Photos from a stable in Iowa, May 2020) Net discovery


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The animal rights organization “ Direct Action Everywhere ” (DxE) was able to use a hidden camera in the slaughterhouse of “ Iowa Select Farms ,” the largest pork supplier in the US state of Iowa, to capture footage showing the pigs’ agony.

As an informant The Intercept , the ventilation systems in stables with smaller groups of pigs were switched off at the end of April and the heating was also turned up. However, the pigs survived for many hours.

Afterwards, real experiments were carried out in the slaughterhouse: hot steam was also introduced into the stables to accelerate the accumulation of heat and moisture. The highest heat that was reached was 120 degrees (note: American source, hence probably Fahrenheit. This should correspond to around 49 degrees Celsius), but even after four to five hours none of the animals were dead.

Only when the slaughterhouse managed to increase the temperature in the stables to 150 degrees (here again probably Fahrenheit, which would correspond to 65 degrees Celsius) did the animals die more quickly. Animals that were apparently still alive were then shot by employees.

“The Intercept” shows in a video , and the widespread screenshot also comes from that video:


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The reason why the animals are killed so slowly and painfully instead of being shot sounds like a mockery: this would be too emotionally traumatizing for employees of slaughterhouses; in fact, according to medical studies, working in such slaughterhouses causes serious psychological damage.



Instead of looking after the animals until demand returns to the time before the corona pandemic and the production chains are running again, companies like “Iowa Select” decided to take the route of maximizing profits: it is cheaper to keep the pigs kill than take care of them.

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