In October 2020 alone, growth was 44 percent, stronger than Facebook and Co

The US social news aggregator Reddit has 52 million daily active users as of October 2020. Compared to the same period last year, this represents growth of 44 percent. Reddit has made public information about its daily users for the first time to show the platform's potential.

“Focus on topics and content”

“What makes Reddit popular compared to other platforms is a strict focus on topics and content. Users can also use the ranking feature to help determine the relevance of topics, something that is missing from many other networks.

The numbers are impressive, especially because most users are from English-speaking countries. “In other regions, Reddit is not yet well established and unfortunately still has an image as a niche platform,”

says social media expert Lucas Hoffmann in an interview with pressetext.


Compared to the major social media platforms, Reddit's user numbers are still relatively small. To put it into perspective: Twitter has 187 million daily users, Snapchat has 249 million, Facebook even has 1.8 billion users. However, none of these social networks have as high growth as Reddit. Twitter increased its user number by 29 percent in the last quarter, Snapchat by 18 percent and Facebook by only twelve percent.

Increase in Reddit users also in 2019

Reddit has so far only provided information on monthly users. In October 2019, the platform had 430 million monthly users, an increase of around 30 percent compared to 2018. After a new design in 2018, the platform is constantly working on new features to attract more people. In July, for example, the news aggregator introduced image galleries for postings ( pressetext reported ).

You might also be interested in: Reddit user finds “spyware” on Samsung devices

Source: press text
Article image: Piotr Swat / Shutterstock

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