“…the truth was wrapped up in an April Fool’s joke! That must not be…"

Apparently an attempt is being made to pack the truth - and nothing but it - into an April Fool's joke and the experts at WetterOnline.de in particular should have known best that the remaining contrails represent an artificial concealment of the sky and sunlight, which is harmful to nature and cannot be good for humanity at all. At least that was the opinion of various users in a Facebook status post from WetterOnline.de Smiley

The trigger for a debate on Facebook was this status post from WetterOnline.de on April 1st, 2017 (Naaaa Ringts Smiley ?)


Source: WetterOnline.de (note from the mimikama editorial team:Smiley Thank you for this wonderful reportthumbs up )

At the same time, however, this article was also shared by “erhoehtesconsciousness.de” and we received various inquiries about it from users:


Now things are getting exciting for us as mimikama!

On the one hand, we receive various inquiries about WetterOnline.de as well as increased awareness.

The article from WetterOnline.de is an April Fool's joke. However, the article from increased awareness is not.

We clarify:

Stripes in the sky that are said to contain chemicals that are harmful to humanity. Now new evidence is expected to confirm this theory. Let’s take a look at those “evidence photos”.

Mysterious black tanks connected with hoses, apparently inside an airplane. The readers of the article in question are left alone with this picture as to what exactly it is supposed to be. That's why we'll explain it:

Here we take a look at a Boeing 747-8, which was tested extensively in 2010. The Wired reported on the preparations in February 2010 and posted numerous pictures. The above picture was also found there, the description for it is:

“These tanks are filled with water and engineers can transfer water between the tanks during flight to shift the weight of simulated cargo or passengers. The center of gravity, or CG as pilots call it, is important to the flight characteristics of any airplane. During flight test, Boeing must ensure the plane is safe and efficient at full forward and full aft CG as well as any combination between the two.”

These tanks are filled with water. During the test flight, the engineers can pump water back and forth between the tanks, simulating passengers and goods being distributed differently throughout the aircraft.

Another picture of such tanks can be found on the pages of “ Airliners ” and shows the interior of a Boeing 777-240/LR:


It should be noted that the pages “People’s Fraud” and “Increased Consciousness” have cut off the copyright notice at the bottom of the image… otherwise the image would no longer be “exclusive”.

Another small but nice detail was added to the stolen image:


On the stolen picture you can find the words “Hazmat Inside” (Hazmat = Hazard Material ) . Of course, this makes little sense in the original picture, as there is only water in the tanks. Nice proof that the “Increased Consciousness” and “People’s Fraud” pages deliberately want to create fear here.

The next “proof”:


The nozzles of a chemtrail plane? Not at all!

As “ Flyingmag ” reports, here we see a 747 modified by Evergreen Airlines. This aircraft truly does evil: Using the world's largest water tank inside an aircraft, it is used to put out forest fires:


Another ominous photo:


Apparently a US military aircraft, the abbreviation “AFRC” is visible

Here we see a modified US C-130 spraying water on a test flight in Youngstown on January 13, 2016. According to the entomologists (insectologists) of the 910th Division, the purpose of the flight was to test the effectiveness of the distribution of pesticides at low altitudes. Specifically, this is about mosquito control in affected areas.

The next picture doesn't look like a ballast tank. What is it then?


Here we see the interior of a modified Hercules C130 , which is used to fly at low altitudes using chemicals to combat oil spills on the sea, such as happened in the Deep Water Horizon disaster.

And are the nozzles of a chemtrail plane being checked here?


Here, as “ Zeit ” reported in April 2010, you can see an airplane spraying silver iodide under clouds. The point of the matter: The silver iodide burns as it emerges, rises as an aerosol and causes clouds to “rain down” in order to counteract periods of drought, for example.

But this looks very suspicious, doesn't it?


Sorry, no proof either. As “ Wildfire Today ” reported in July 2009, here you can see the interior of a modified 747, nicknamed “Supertanker,” which is used to fight forest fires.

But here you can clearly see “chemtrailing” in practice, right?


Neither. “ The Star Online ” reported here in April 2014 how so-called “cloud seeding” was carried out in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia to combat the ongoing drought at the time.

Are we looking at a powerful chemtrail construction on an airplane?


This picture was also pirated from the “ Airliners ” site. Here we see a Boeing NKC-135A Stratotanker. The device is used to spray water onto an aircraft flying behind it during a flight to test for severe icing during flight.

The majority of the photos have already been completed with these explanations: They are always planes, some of which are used to fight fires, or test aircraft. Nevertheless, we would like to take a look at some of the pictures from the article:


This image by photographer Steve Morris is often used to claim that this is a flight whose pilot “forgot to turn off the chemtrail jets.”

If you live near an airport, you can often observe this phenomenon, namely every time there is high humidity and planes take off and land: this is condensed water.


Here we are looking from an aircraft that has just activated “fuel dumping”. Fuel is released in a controlled manner during a flight at an altitude of several thousand meters, for example in order to achieve the permissible landing weight before landing. The site “ Scienceblogs ” wrote a detailed article about this technology and the myths surrounding it.

Is this photo perhaps proof?


Not really either. posted on Facebook as a joke on May 21, 2014 by meteorologist Jacob Wycoff .


He describes that a pilot friend posted this picture on Facebook after he saw “two men in black suits” exit the plane. His fans understood the gag with which he wanted to “troll” chemtrails believers.



So on “Popular Fraud” and “Heightened Consciousness” are we seeing photos that “you’ve never seen before”?

Absolutely not! Every single photo can be found in articles on the Internet that are up to six years old, and in some cases they have been altered.

Every photo can be explained and is absolutely useless as evidence of chemtrails. At least the site “Volksfraud” lives up to its name with the article: They deceive the reading public with a bunch of lies and false claims in order to further fuel conspiracy theories about chemtrails.

The chemtrails conspiracy theory has been circulating for over 20 years.

And to date there is not a single piece of credible evidence of this. The flood of images in the blogs mentioned above do not contribute anything, but rather show that certain “alternative media” only have one thing in mind: to create fear in order to get clicks.

1) This content reflects the current state of affairs at the time of publication. The reproduction of individual images, screenshots, embeds or video sequences serves to discuss the topic. 2) Individual contributions were created through the use of machine assistance and were carefully checked by the Mimikama editorial team before publication. ( Reason )