How much does Siri actually hear and what data goes to third parties? Questions that many people are asking themselves, because skepticism about iPhone assistants constantly listening in is growing.

According to the British Guardian, Apple confirmed at the end of July that they are analyzing private Siri requests - they want to improve Siri and the dictation function.

However, this is extremely problematic if Siri activates even when the user did not want it to.

Just recently, an external Apple employee shared that they are constantly listening in on intimate conversations whenever Siri feels unintentionally addressed. ( We reported. )

Can I do something about these eavesdropping attacks?

Yes you can! The IT news website explains how:

All you need to do is install a special iOS profile that disables the logging of server-side Siri commands. The practical thing about it: you can still use Siri. You can either download the profile from the online service GitHub or, if you are an advanced user, create it yourself. To do this you need the free Apple Configurator - the result is the same.

Is it all too complicated for you? Then you still have the option of turning off Siri completely on iOS. This option is probably the easiest for very concerned users.

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