Warning of artificial intelligence fraud attempts – ChatGPT as the latest tool

Press release

Vienna, March 28, 2023 – Mimikama, the internet fraud and fake news awareness platform, recently published a warning about fraudsters using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their fraudulent activities. In particular, AI technology “ChatGPT” was mentioned, which is used by scammers to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting Internet users.

ChatGPT is an advanced AI model developed by OpenAI based on the GPT-4 architecture. It is known for its ability to compose complex and coherent texts in a human-like manner. However, these capabilities have also attracted the interest of cybercriminals who use this technology to mislead potential victims.

In its warning, Mimikama points out that scammers are using ChatGPT to generate deceptive emails, SMS and social media messages. These messages can be personalized with victims' personal information to appear more credible. Users are tricked into disclosing confidential information or following fraudulent instructions, which may result in financial loss.

Mimikama recommends that Internet users be vigilant when communicating over the Internet and always look out for signs of fraud. This includes verifying the sender's address, questioning messages that suggest urgent action, and verifying information before disclosing personal information or making financial transactions.

The platform also calls on the responsibility of AI developers and companies to ensure that their technologies are used ethically and responsibly. It is critical that the AI ​​industry recognizes the potential risks and misuse of its technologies and takes proactive measures to protect the security and privacy of users.

For the detailed report: https://www.mimikama.org/chatgpt-betrueger-kuenstliche-intelligenz-betrug/

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