We repeatedly report on children being approached from white vans or dark cars. These reports often turn out to be untrue.

But sometimes it is at least partially true, sometimes it is misleading. It also happens that sometimes people just asked for directions. These cars often drive slowly because they don't know the area, but observers conclude that they are looking for children.

But only in rare cases are children attacked, abused or even killed by unknown people. Most of these crimes are committed by relatives, friends or acquaintances. Strangers are more likely to engage in exhibitionistic or similar acts.

For this reason, it is important to avoid hysterical overreactions. Rumors and allegations that are then distributed on Facebook and WhatsApp in the form of chain letters often only create panic, but are not helpful.

On the other hand, it is of course also important to be vigilant in order to avoid sexual abuse of children! But how should you behave now?

The LKA Lower Saxony gives tips on how parents and children should best react:

When children report being approached by strangers:

  • Praise the child for confiding and reporting on it!
  • Information received that other children have been approached should not be passed on unchecked (e.g. via WhatsApp groups)! First ask the police at “110” whether they are aware of such an incident!

Rules of conduct that children should know:

  • Talk to children about such situations to prepare them for them (but avoid realistic role plays so as not to arouse unnecessary fears)!
  • Build and maintain a foundation of trust with children so that they can report on special events at home!
  • Children need to be reminded again and again that they are not allowed to go with anyone or get into someone else's car without parental permission!
  • Children need to know that they can and should always “SAY NO” to adults! You must also be aware that you do not have to talk to “STREANGERS” and do not have to give them any information!
  • If possible, let children go to school or play in groups!

In case of emergency:

  • Show children where they can get help in an emergency (people, groups of people, shops, practices, offices, homes, etc.)!
  • Tell children that in an emergency, for example: B. you can also “RUN AWAY” and loudly “CRY FOR HELP” (JUST DON’T HIDE )!
  • Choose “110”! The police always help and immediately!
Item image: Shuttersock / Phase4Studios

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