Telkens weer informeren wij jullie over dubieuze kansspelen, die steeds volgens hetzelfde schema lopen en waarbij he nooit winnaars zijn.

The truth/strategy is as follows:

  • It has been created in several Facebook sites that advertise all the identical products.
  • Facebook users have been lured to the sites with the best price.
  • The words used in the heel are made in the same way as the site generates many fans. The user can use the site “LIKE” and the image “DELEN”. The use is often formulated in the same way.
  • The word of the status / het can be “worked” and the word in the meeste has an extra stap toegevoegd, which the user can use. There is also a LINK/verwijzing to an external website.

What does the maker/organizer do?

Nothing yet. Tijdens de first golf became the fans verzameld. En dat gaat met deze truc/strategy razendsnel. Within 1-2 days there were 50,000 fans

Tijdens de tweede golf begins with his fans on external websites. There can be no use of a formula in the brewer. With this strategy, the organizers and gebruikers are confused. The results come into the databanks, which have then been boiled down. The player can then send spam emails and spam telefoon messages from various users in the following operations.

How can I tell about the Kansspel?

Suspicions can be heard here or there as soon as possible: “Druk op like/vind ik leuk en kom in onze “pot” terecht!” of “How this bijdrage deelt, heeft dubbele winks!” en then nog “The site -naam van de site- has been liked!”

A different characteristic is that the following information is NOT AWARDABLE:

  • Owner of the site / aanspreekpartner
  • imprint
  • Contactmogelijkheid
  • Deelnamevoorwaarden
  • Vrijstelling tegenover Facebook.

Serieuze bedrijven houden zich bezig met the onderwerp kansspelen on Facebook and voeren die also correct uit. The series of organizers in Latvia also has an imprint, contact details and a different name. The zijn also uit juridisch oogpunt noodzakelijk.



image[40]Gebruikers have been used to “like” and “delen”

image[40]he is geen (geloofwaardig) imprint

image[40]geen deelnamevoorwaarden

image[40]Good contact possibility

image[40] Geen correct bedrijf aanwezig

image[40]The site is still close to the city

image[40]He has been made known as a winner.

image[40]Prijzen was door sponsors who “never wanted to be” the beschikking gesteld

image[40]The price was copied from the internet and the photos were copied.

image[40]Let us confirm whether the blue color is verified after the name of the site in the omslagfoto.


A preview
of a nepstatus

A fake status post

  1. He was sold for a price
  2. Users should “like”/ click on “vind ik leuk”.
  3. Gebruikers should have the picture taken
  4. The site has already been “liked”.
  5. The photo was stolen various websites

Geen blauw verificatievinkje aanwezig

No blue verification hack present
The site is there for a few reasons

Image 4
No information, no contact, no imprint
Image 5

For example, a new “BMW-Germany” site!

This is where you can “do” the bijdrage aft.

Here you can see that the post was “edited” afterwards.“Stap 4” suffers depending on the subscription. Je kunt het nalezen here: False BMW Germany Facebook page lures users into a trap

What can you do?

  • The site reports on Facebook
  • Vrienden erop wijzen dat het nep is
  • India is able to meet the site on the site and post it here in a different way (Je moet er wel rekening mee houden dat de beheerder je dan blokkeert)

It's easy to just walk around here and there's no action. If you don't want to be overloaded, you can't stop.

We'll have to wait until we're ready to warn you

Help also other users and stuur ons dubieuze cansspelen of other fakes by e-mail to: [email protected]

Vertaling: Petra,

1) This content reflects the current state of affairs at the time of publication. The reproduction of individual images, screenshots, embeds or video sequences serves to discuss the topic. 2) Individual contributions were created through the use of machine assistance and were carefully checked by the Mimikama editorial team before publication. ( Reason )