In recent days, a Facebook chain letter has once again gone viral making a number of alarming claims. The message warns that Facebook is violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), making your content public and using your photos and information without your permission. This Facebook chain letter is similar to one we reported HERE But what is the truth behind these claims?

The Facebook chain letter and its claims

The chain letter asks users to post a statement denying permission to Facebook or affiliated organizations to use their images, information or posts. It further claims that Facebook's new algorithm only selects a limited number of people - around 25 - who will read your posts.

Facebook chain letter: GDPR, data protection, algorithms and the truth behind the misinformation
Screenshot from June 6, 2023 of a chain letter

The Facebook chain letter as verbatim

Don't forget the new Facebook rule begins tomorrow, the biggest violation of the GDPR!
where your photos can be used. Don't forget the deadline is today!!! It can be used against you in legal proceedings. Everything you've ever posted will become public starting today - including messages that have been deleted. It costs nothing other than a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. I do not grant permission to Facebook or any Facebook affiliated organizations to use my images, information, messages or posts, either in the past or in the future.
With this declaration I inform Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to copy, share or take any other action against me based on this profile and / or its content. The contents of this profile are private and confidential information. Violation of privacy can be punished by law: Facebook is now a public institution. All members must post this note. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version.
If you do not publish a statement at least once, the use of your photos and the information in profile status updates is tacitly permitted. DO NOT SHARE. Copy and paste. The new algorithm chooses the same few people – about 25 – who will read your posts.
Therefore: Hold your finger on this post and “copy” will appear. Click on “copy”. Then go to your page, start a new post and tap your finger in the empty field. “Insert” will pop up, press Insert, done!

What you should know about the statements in the chain letter:

First, Facebook must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. This regulation regulates data protection for everyone in the EU and imposes strict penalties for violations. It is therefore unlikely that Facebook will violate the regulation.

Second, Facebook does not change its privacy policy and terms of service without prior notice to users. Each user can manage their privacy settings to control who can see their posts.

Third, simply posting a statement on your Facebook Page does not grant you any additional rights or protections. Your rights regarding your information on Facebook are governed by the Company's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as well as applicable data protection laws.

Fourth, Facebook uses algorithms to determine which posts appear in your News Feed. These algorithms are based on many factors, including your interactions with other posts and the people who posted those posts. Posting a specific status will not significantly impact the algorithm.

Conclusion: We must be vigilant and make sure that our information comes from reliable sources. It is equally important to read and understand the official privacy policies and terms of use of the platforms we use. The spread of false information harms us all and undermines trust in the digital platforms we use every day. Stay informed, stay safe, and share this information to raise awareness about proper privacy understanding and behavior.

Also read:

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