The dominance of the negative

It's no secret that the Internet is a platform for a wide variety of opinions, information and news. Unfortunately, it often seems that negative content, including fake news, stupid news and general nonsense, takes up most of this digital space. This content is often louder and more dominant, both online and in real life.

This phenomenon is not limited to the Internet. Negative events, conflicts and scandals tend to make headlines and attract attention. This phenomenon is known in social psychology as negativity bias. People tend to pay more attention to negative events because they are potentially more threatening. This is an evolutionary survival mechanism that unfortunately often gives us a distorted view of reality in the modern, media-driven world.

An example of the negativity bias is the way we react to news or reviews. Imagine running a small restaurant and receiving 20 positive reviews and one negative review. Even though the vast majority of reviews are positive, you tend to focus on the one negative review and notice it more.

Where is the love?

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the negativity we often encounter online. But where are all the positive posts and messages, the hidden treasures of goodness and love that the internet has to offer?

We should not forget that many people are doing great things in secret, sharing positive messages and encouraging stories, acting constructively and lovingly. These people can be dedicated volunteers who provide online tutoring for children from disadvantaged families, dedicated activists who raise awareness about environmental issues, or experts and professionals who share their knowledge and experience to educate and support others.

These loving people and communities are real, and their contributions are often full of compassion, wisdom, and empathy. Their messages are of support, hope and positive change in the world.

But these posts are often quieter and less noticeable than their negative counterparts. Why is that?

One reason for this could be that positive posts are less controversial or sensational. They often have a slower, more thoughtful narrative style that can be easily overlooked in the hectic flow of information on the Internet. They are also less likely to elicit an immediate emotional response, which is often key to grabbing attention in today's digital media landscape.

Another reason could be that these friendly voices often don't have the same platform or megaphone as those spreading negative or controversial content. You're battling a tide of negativity and sensationalism that can easily drown out everything else.

However, that doesn't mean that these positive contributions aren't valuable, quite the opposite. They are invaluable in creating a more balanced and healthy online environment. Their quiet voices of love and positivity are often the ones most needed but least heard.

We must take the time to hear these quiet voices and let them speak. If we strive to recognize and encourage the positive contributions and the kind people who make them, we can help restore balance to the internet and create a kinder and more loving digital world.

The battle for attention

Attention is a valuable currency . There is so much information bombarding us – news, social media posts, blogs, videos, podcasts and much more. In this flood of information, it is a challenge to be noticed. This is where the fight for attention begins.

This battle is particularly fierce on digital platforms. Algorithms are programmed to highlight content that is most likely to grab our attention. This can be news that surprises, shocks or makes us very emotional. Unfortunately, it is often negative or controversial content that meets these criteria. They are like loud screams in an already noisy room, grabbing our attention and inflaming our emotions.

Sensational headlines, controversial statements, scandalous stories - they can all pique people's interest and get them to click, read, share and comment. This is one of the reasons why negative voices often appear louder on the Internet. They use the mechanisms of digital platforms to make themselves heard and noticed.

Even though these loud, negative voices often dominate , this does not mean that there are no positive contributions or that they are unimportant. On the contrary, there is a wealth of positive, inspiring and helpful content on the internet. They are often quieter and less sensational and can therefore be easily overlooked.

But these positive contributions are invaluable. They provide hope, inspire positive change, and promote community and compassion. They remind us that despite all the negative we see online, there is also a lot of good.

The key is to consciously look for these positive contributions and give them our attention . We can choose what type of content we consume, share and promote. By strengthening positive voices, we can help change the balance on the internet and create a more positive and constructive online environment.

Quiet Love: Is There Hope?

Despite the seeming dominance of negativity in the digital space, there are many positive stories , inspiring people and communities dedicated to spreading positivity and love. They are the quiet heroes of the internet who often find themselves in the shadows of the loud controversy and negativity. But their presence and contribution are invaluable.

There are countless examples of such positive actors online: from volunteers who donate their time and skills to support others online, to experts who share valuable knowledge and insights to educate and inspire others. They are stories of people who selflessly help others, who build online communities based on mutual support and kindness, and who work tirelessly to make the Internet a better place.

But in order to hear these quiet voices of love and positivity, we must learn to listen better. That means consciously seeking out the good news, the positive stories, and the loving people who spread it. It means taking the time to look beyond the headlines and explore the deeper layers of the internet where these positive posts can often be found.

Not only that, we also have the power to amplify these positive voices. We can decide what content we read, what news we share, what stories we discuss. Through our decisions we can help shape the culture of the Internet.

By sharing and promoting positive content, by amplifying voices of love and positivity, we can make a difference . We can help break the apparent dominance of negativity and shift the balance towards positivity.

And so not only do we have the hope that the internet can be a place of love and positivity, but we also have the power to make that change. Each of us, as individuals and as part of the digital community, can help transform the digital space into a place of love, kindness and positivity. Because despite all the noise and negativity that often seems to dominate the internet, quiet love is always there, ready to be heard and amplified.

Ten tips to highlight and promote quiet love online

  1. Be an active consumer: Be selective about the content you consume. Consciously seek out positive stories and inspiring messages.
  2. Support positive content: When you come across something positive, share it, comment on it, and make it visible. Every like, share and comment helps to increase the reach of this positive content.
  3. Follow inspiring people and organizations: There are many people and organizations driving positive change in the world. Find them on social media and subscribe to their channels.
  4. Be a positive contributor yourself: Use your own online presence to spread positivity. Share inspirational quotes, positive messages, or stories of acts of kindness.
  5. Avoid negativity: Avoid sharing negative or harmful content, even if it is sensational or shocking. Don't share out of anger or frustration, instead focus on the positive.
  6. Participate in positive communities: There are many online communities that focus on positive interactions. Whether it's a group of animal lovers, a community of home cooks, or a support group, these communities can be a source of joy and positivity.
  7. Practice empathy and kindness: Remember that there is a real person behind every screen. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
  8. Learn how to spot fake news: Fake news and disinformation can often promote negativity and conflict. Learn how to recognize them and avoid sharing them.
  9. Support digital charities: Many organizations are doing great work in the digital space, from fighting cyberbullying to providing education and resources to communities in need. Think about how you can support them.
  10. Take a digital detox: Sometimes the best thing we can do can be a break from the digital world. Take time to connect, relax and recharge offline. The digital world will still be there when you return, and with a refreshed mind you will be better able to hear and nurture the quiet love.

Conclusion: With all its beauties and shortcomings, the Internet is a reflection of society. It's up to us how we use it and what we do with it. Instead of focusing on the loud, negative voices, we should focus on hearing and amplifying the quiet, positive voices. This is the only way we can increase the volume of love and drown out the negativity. After all, it is love that makes the world go round, not noise.

A big thank you to Claudia Spieß from the Mimikama team, who provided me with valuable input for this report.

Why do I mention them in particular? Well, Claudia shared a touching story that she recently experienced. She talked about how much she appreciates her neighbors and how closely she stays in touch with them, including through a shared WhatsApp group chat.

One day, a photo was shared in this group of a small bird that had apparently flown into a window. Someone had already spoken to the wildlife center and suggested taking the bird there. Despite the late hour and the distance, Claudia checked Google Maps and decided to take on the mission. However, when she arrived to pick up the injured bird, she met the eldest son of her next door neighbor. He already had the shoe box with the bird in his hand and was ready to bring the little creature to the station.

Claudia was deeply touched by this young man's selfless act and the general kindness and helpfulness of her neighbors. This story shows that despite the negativity that often comes to the fore, there are still people who do good and make the world a positive place - they are just sometimes not as 'loud' as those who report negative things. Her story reminded me of our mission at Mimikama: to rid the internet of false information and spread the truth - a task we approach with love and dedication. That's why this article!

Our work at Mimikama is not just a job, it is a passion, a constant fight against misinformation, a mission of education. Every fact check we do is a small confession of love - love for the truth, love for a well-informed society, and love for the Internet untainted by lies and deceit. Love means responsibility, and we accept that responsibility to ensure that the Internet remains a safe and trustworthy place." -Tom Wannenmacher, Mimikama

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1) This content reflects the current state of affairs at the time of publication. The reproduction of individual images, screenshots, embeds or video sequences serves to discuss the topic. 2) Individual contributions were created through the use of machine assistance and were carefully checked by the Mimikama editorial team before publication. ( Reason )