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Note: This video is an extract from the SWR health magazine Doc Fischer from May 9, 2022:

What is Lyme disease?

Borrelia are bacteria that live in the tick's intestines. If you are bitten by a tick, a nymph or even a tick larva, the bacteria from the tick's intestine can end up directly in the human bloodstream when you subsequently suck. Once here, the bacteria multiply and can lead to illness.

But be careful: Lyme disease is not the same as Lyme disease, because there are different types of Lyme disease and not all of them make you sick.

How do I recognize Lyme disease?

In Germany there are five confirmed human-pathogenic Borrelia species, i.e. those that make people sick, each of which causes different clinical pictures. The most common symptoms of the disease are body, muscle and joint pain, fever, sweating and severe fatigue. In rare cases, the bacteria can also affect the nervous system and lead to facial paralysis, for example.

The first sign of a possible illness is often the circular redness around the point of the tick bite, which is characteristic of Lyme disease. It is always worth making an appointment with a doctor to have it checked. Lyme disease bacteria cannot be directly detected. Instead, the blood and brain fluid are searched for detectable antibodies against these same bacteria.

If the test is positive, the result is clear: the patient has Lyme disease.

You might also be interested in: Fact check: New tick species on the rise

Source: SWR Marktcheck
Author: Annika Erbach

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