Facebook parent Meta will discontinue its newsletter portal “ Bulletin ” at the beginning of 2023. The portal, originally intended to help young aspiring authors find an audience and generate some money for their writing, apparently failed to attract enough readers, industry insiders speculate. Since its launch in June 2021, only just over 115 publications have been published on the site, which is well below expectations.

Newsletter portal “Bulletin” met with little interest

“The idea behind Bulletin was to provide independent authors with a self-publishing tool that would give them the opportunity to reach new audiences and build a more sustainable business model,”

Meta spokesperson Morgan White in the US industry publication The Verge

The concrete idea was this: Readers could browse the site for authors they like and subscribe to their regular newsletter stories. Authors can then charge their subscribers money for their work. What actually sounds like a simple but promising concept hasn't really worked in practice. After just over a year, Bulletin is being abandoned by Meta – due to “lack of popularity,” as insiders report.

more news and short stories

The Facebook mother herself argues the end a little differently. According to an internal email, the company wants to reorient itself and no longer focus on news and short stories. But they don't want to give up authorship completely.

“Although this platform has now come to an end, we remain committed to our goal of supporting these and other creators on their successful journey. With Bulletin we have learned a lot about the relationship between authors and their readership in order to understand how we can better support them.”

Meta spokesperson Morgan White.

Source: press release

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