However, the chain letter is by no means new and spreads misinformation that has been circulating on social networks for years.

Facebook chain letter: Old misinformation in a new guise
Screenshot from May 22, 2023 on Facebook

I do that too:
Don't forget Tomorrow the new Facebook rule begins where your photos can be used.
Don't forget the deadline is today❣️❣️❣️It can be used against you in legal proceedings. Everything you've ever posted will become public starting today - including messages that have been deleted. It costs nothing other than a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. I do not grant permission to Facebook or any Facebook affiliated organizations to use my images, information, messages or posts, either in the past or in the future.
With this declaration I inform Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to copy, share or take any other action against me based on this profile and / or its content. The contents of this profile are private and confidential information. Violation of privacy can be punished by law: Facebook is now a public institution.
All members must post this note. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version.
If you do not publish a statement at least once, the use of your photos and the information in the profile status updates is tacitly permitted. DO NOT SHARE….
Copy and paste….
The new algorithm chooses the same few people - about 25 - who will read your posts.❣️❣️❣️
Hold your finger on this post and it will say “copy”.
Click on “copy”. Then go to your page, start a new post and tap your finger in the empty field. “Insert” will pop up, click Insert. This will bypass the system.

1. An old friend: The Facebook data protection chain letter

The current chain letter is not unknown. It has been appearing on Facebook again and again for years, unsettling users. The text varies slightly, but the basic idea remains the same: the threat of loss of control over your own data and content should be averted by posting a self-written data protection declaration. But this supposed protection is nothing more than a myth.

2. The illusion of control

The data protection declaration contained in the chain letter may seem legally valid at first glance, but it is not. When you sign up for Facebook, you agree to the company's terms and conditions. These determine how Facebook can use your data and cannot be changed simply by posting a status update. The only way to stop Facebook from using your data is to delete your account.

3. The misunderstanding of public data

A central element of the chain letter is the claim that all of your posts, including deleted ones, will be published. This is simply not true. Facebook has privacy settings that allow you to control who can see your content. Deleted content does not suddenly become public.

4. The misunderstood Facebook algorithm

The chain letter also claims that Facebook's algorithm only selects a limited number of people who can see your posts. While it's true that the Facebook algorithm affects the visibility of posts, it's not true that copying and pasting a post can bypass this algorithm.

The impact of sharing these chain letters

It is problematic to forward these types of chain letters. They spread misinformation and create unnecessary fear. Additionally, they lead to confusion about one's privacy rights and options. There is also a risk that users will become jaded by the constant confrontation with such false reports and take real threats less seriously.

Our advice: education instead of dissemination!

Instead of spreading such chain letters, you should educate yourself about your privacy rights and learn how to protect your data on Facebook and other platforms. Be critical of everything you read online

Conclusion: Critical handling of chain letters! Chain letters like the current one on Facebook are a recurring phenomenon and have been wreaking havoc on social media for years. They incite unnecessary fear and spread misinformation that can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

Publishing your own privacy policy on a Facebook page does not affect your rights towards the company. The use of your information is subject to the Terms and Conditions that you agreed to when creating your account.

Additionally, the visibility of your posts will not be affected simply by copying and pasting a specific post. The Facebook algorithm is complex and takes into account a variety of factors.

The resurgence of such chain letters underscores the need to critically examine information shared online and learn about the actual privacy practices of platforms like Facebook.

Instead of spreading such chain letters, we can all help raise awareness of the importance of data protection and correct information in the digital space. At a time when our data is more valuable than ever, in-depth knowledge of how to protect it is essential.

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