image Love FarmVille neighbors or FarmVille players! In the last days will be much speculation about whether the Gamers Unite Toolbar is a cheat or just a way to save yourself a lot of work on his farm! Opinions are divided here. For all who "inadvertently" or even aware of the Gamers Unite’ve used Toolbar or used and therefore appearing on this "black" list of these but want to come back down we can show you today as you create it!

Gamers Unite Toolbar application or remove

To be removed from the list again you have to go through only two steps

Step 1: Uninstall the Toolbar in Firefox GamersUnite

To remove the toolbar in Firefox again click on "Tools-> Add-ons



Now you looking for the "GamersUnite" Toolbar "and click" Uninstall "



Step 2: Remove the application itself in your profile

To the Gamers Unite Toolbar to remove clicks in your profile (top right) to "Account-> Application Settings"


and is looking for "GAMERS UNIITE" and click on the "X"
(On this screenshot, I can not display this is no longer optically as we do not have the toolbar in use) but the "X" is identical!



More you can not do at the moment and now it’s because you’re not waiting down immediately from the list. It may take several hours or even days until you’re lost! Ask best friends / neighbors if you see you still can!

Gamers Unite – NEIN DANKE!
Gamers Unite – NO THANKS!



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